SigMT Autumn 2017

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SignatureMT | 51 How ordinary folks from Central Montana are impacting human trafficking and saving lives throughout our State and across the Country. By Shane Klippenes Hope for the Future Hope for the Future Kelly was 14 years old when the man designated as her foster father began raping her. Aer a year of nightly abuse, she'd had enough and walked away onto the streets of downtown Atlanta. Escaping with nothing but the clothes on her back, 15-year-old Kelly was thrilled to be approached and befriended by an older girl who bought her a fast food meal and offered a place to stay. Although she had no money, her new friend stated that "they'd figure that part out later." Hanging out, talking and doing things with her new friend was an incredible respite from the trauma of the last year and kept her from realizing the horror she was about to be blindsided by. 3 days later, Kelly was at the house, when a strange man showed up with an expectation of sex and his eyes on her. Having just escaped her abusive situation, she was shocked to find herself in this position and horrified by her friends' explanation. "If you like the roof over your head and the food you eat, this is Street art is taken to an amazing level throughout metro areas of Atlanta and provide destinations for tourists during the day and gathering places for locals after the sun goes down. Not every minute of short- term trips to help those in need have to be a grind, as evidenced by smiling faces of volunteers enjoying local culture on an afternoon away from "the streets".

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