TDN Weekend

February 2018

TDN Weekend December 2016 Issue 9

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22 EDITOR'S PICK: 21C LEXINGTON Heading to Lexington this winter or spring? The 21c isn't just the best hotel in town. Conde Nast Traveler says it's one of the best in the entire South. By Sue Finley 06 e FIVE RACING'S RAPID RISE TO THE TOP Bob Edwards bought his first racehorse at Saratoga on a whim in 2015. Two years later, he owns an Eclipse Award champion and top Derby prospect. He and his family talk about their game plan for success. By Bill Finley | Photos by Patty Wolfe 40 PERFECT PALM BEACH If you're heading down to Gulfstream this year to see your horses train or race, consider staying up the road in Palm Beach. Michelin-rated eateries and five-star hotels await you. By Christina Bossinakis

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