TDN Weekend

February 2018

TDN Weekend December 2016 Issue 9

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In search of sunnier climes, legions of travelers make the annual pil- grimage south, among them horse owners and racing industry profes- sionals who head to southern Flori- da to partake in the racing action at Gulfstream Park in Hallandale. Like many racing participants, I spent several past winters stationed near Gulfstream, however, I have since been introduced to the vibrant scene available to visitors north of Broward and Dade counties. Located about 50 miles north of Hallandale, Palm Beach is very conveniently situated whether you are in town to compete in a weekend stakes at Gulfstream, or to take in morning works at Palm Meadows in Boynton Beach. And for those of you accustomed to staying By CHRISTINA BOSSINAKIS A LONG WEEKEND IN

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