TDN Weekend December 2016 Issue 9
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While not a requirement of horse rac- ing, a sense of adventure goes a long way in navigating the twists and turns that are all but guaranteed within the sport. Al- though it is one of the oldest forms of competition around, there are still fron- tiers to be conquered, and if Teo Ah Khing has his way, the next one in line is main- land China. The shrewd businessman—who is re- sponsible for the China Horse Club and is the chairman of the Inner Mongolia Yitai Desert Star Horse Industries—is clear- ly aware that in addition to the stress of creating horse racing in China, there must also be a great deal of entertainment to showcase why it is worth it. One need not look any further than the glamour-in- fused annual China Equine Cultural Festi- val (CECF) to see that. Since its inception in 2013, the CECF has been steadily crafted into one of the most anticipated sporting events in Chi- na. Serving as the China Horse Club's sig- nature event, the CECF is meant to cater to the club's social and business needs while also appealing to a mass market audience through Thoroughbred racing and cultural events. Although it has been held in different locations, the CECF settled into its current home of Ordos, Inner Mongolia, in 2016. With a mantra of "Bring the World to Chi- na, China to the World," the latest gather- ing was held last August. The event fea- tured a welcome reception that brought racing luminaries from around the globe together as well as a day of racing at Yiqi Racecourse that had historic moments throughout. TDN D estinations By AMANDA DUCKWORTH | Photos by CECF T E O ' S N E X T F R O N T I E R