Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, spring 2018

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Page 209 of 243

you need a top-down approach. We need the administrators, the teachers and the non-teach- ing staff all trained. It's not the children's prob- lem. It's about providing a model." Leavy says the program teaches a new way of speaking to children, with the adults engaged and helping them feel impor tant. "We have to change the climate and the culture of the school for it to truly be a safe place for children to be," she says. "Bullying and drug abuse and violence does not discriminate between socioeconomic, racial or ethnic groups or loca- tion. Every single school should have an anti- bullying program in place." _____________________________________ Brian Hays is the principal of Monterey Park Elementary School in Salinas, and was con- Harmony at Home (HAH) Bullying Prevention Coordinator Sarah Behm (far right) works with students on understanding the differences between bullying, conflict resolution, mean moments and teasing. Julianne Leavy and Bullying Prevention Coordinator Sarah Behm; Monterey Park Elementary School Principal Brian Hays and Vice Principal Victor Marinelli. 208 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 8

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