Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, spring 2018

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172 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 8 This year's Motorcycle Gathering features Café Racers, Electric Motorcycles and will honor Arlen Ness as their "Legend of the Sport." The event includes the following classes: American, British, Italian, Other European, Japanese, Competition On Road, Competition Off Road, Antique, Custom/Modified and Extraordinary Bicycles and Scooters. "The Peninsula Signature Events department at the Quail Lodge and Golf Club is amazing," McCall says. "There is a big dedication from the company. A lot of motorcycle shows have gone away. In '08, the motorcycle industry was arguably hit harder than the car industry. They have been keeping it rolling and are making sure to keep what works. It's an all-inclusive, super family friendly atmosphere. We keep that moving forward while mixing things up a bit every year." McCall describes honoree Arlen Ness as "the grandfather of the custom bike scene." "He is turning [the business] over to his son and grandson and they will be bringing a lot of his bikes," he says. "He's an innovator who blazed a trail that a lot of us have followed." MotoGP three-time World Champion Kenny Roberts will host a charity event at Quail Lodge the evening after the show, benefitting the Welcome Home Heroes Foundation, a non- profit that supports U.S. veterans and their fam- ilies. A Sunday ride will follow. A gourmet barbe- cue lunch, tastes from local wineries and brew- eries, music, kids' activities and more will be part of the event. "The question is, 'How do you get new peo- ple involved in motorcycles?'" McCall asks, "so we are not just preaching to the choir. The Motorcycle manufacturers such as Indian and others present their latest offerings to The Quail attendees. This is often a chance to see models that have not yet been viewed by the public. A 100-mile Friday ride that includes a few laps at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca followed by the show on Saturday, another ride on Sunday, and a fundraiser Saturday evening makes up the weekend.

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