but we are also unique," he said. "We are a
breeder with 3,000 acres of wonderful, un-
spoiled land by the Blue Ridge Mountains
and the Shenandoah River. When people
come here from Kentucky, they tell us
how beautiful it is here and how good we
have it. They say that it's just like it used
to be in Kentucky, before there were con-
dos and shopping centers right next to a
beautiful farm and before so many farms
got segmented up. They come here and
are pleasantly surprised to see that this
kind of horse farm still exists with its size
and nature."
The untouched beauty and the history
have always been Audley's greatest as-
sets. But that alone will not make a farm a
success. It has to breed good race horses.
They know that at Audley and they've re-
committed themselves to doing just that.
It seems to be working.