place for the horses and hopefully that will translate into
success and I will get to watch it."
The positive energy at the farm as the team begins to
see some of the rewards of their revised program gives
Lyon new purpose and increased drive. The woman who
once dreamed of raising horses in the Bluegrass is now
doing that and more, while never losing touch with her
true love for and dedication to her horses.
"I am thrilled with the new program and hopefully we
will continue to see the benefits as the horses get older,"
Lyon said. "I am getting to be a big part of everything,
more than I was before, and I couldn't be happier about
it. This will be the first time I have had a chance to have
a life that is not completely dominated by caring for my
family. I don't know what to do with myself, but I am
going to find out. It will be fun!"