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Working Dogs BY MICHAEL CHATFIELD PHOTOGRAPHY BY KELLI ULDALL 104 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 Charlie W hen your master is the owner of three popular Peninsula restaurants—Tarpy's Roadhouse, Montrio and Rio Grill—it's a sure bet that you eat well. And Charley does. "He mostly hangs out with me at the office," says Tony Tollner of Downtown Dining. "But sometimes he sits with me on the patio at Tarpy's or Montrio. He loves salmon." This rescue dog ("We think he's a Cockapoo mix, but mostly he's just a cool dog.") has been adopted as the company mascot by the office staff. "Charley gets more attention around here than I do," Tollner quips. GARWOOD T his six-year-old English Setter comes to the office every day with owners Jeff Burghardt and Nicole Doré at Burghardt + Doré Advertising. Loyal and sweet, "he spends his days under my desk," Doré says. One of the firm's key clients is Visit Carmel, the destination marketing organization for Carmel-by-the-Sea. "Garwood thinks of himself as an ambassador for the city and likes to welcome tourists," Doré says. "He takes his role very seriously." But not too seriously. "He knows where all the free cookies in town are." "If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience." ~ Woodrow Wilson