Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, Summer/Fall 2018

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108 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 art and culture, the collector of today craves the campier end of the spectrum, influenced by television's "Hawaii Five-O" or the f ilm "South Pacific" that dazzled the public with hapa-haole music and Polynesian fantasy. Sven Kirsten's "The Book of Tiki," published by Taschen in 2000, really is the "Bible of tiki style" if it can be located, as it is now out of print and expensive. But, one of the most coveted items in the world of Hawaiian kitch is the graceful metal hula girl lamp from the 1930s with an actual grass skirt. When you flip a switch, her hips will swivel. She is priced from $499-1,000. Hawaiiana's influence can even be seen here in Carmel, as locals prepare for Concours on the Avenue, where Ocean Avenue closes off to showcase rare automobiles. One of the high- lights of this dazzling display are the Woodies in their lucky charm colors, surfboards atop the roofs, silk leis dangling from the rear view mir- rors, floral covered seats and bobbing hula girls on their dashboards. My experience and love for Hawaii is a bit dif- ferent than those of most collectors. I loved Hawaii because of my love for my aunt. Today, collectors have a nostalgia for a past that never was. It has been stated that it was a "yearning expressed in the mythology for the human desire to be less civilized." But I would like to think of it as a fascination with a culture rich with tradition, music, and the slow build and rhythmic hip movement of the hula, that takes one away to distant shores in a fantasy life of peace and abandonment where you can play some Jake Shimabukuro or Israel Kamakawiwo'ole and just melt. Mahalo Auntie Mable. Marjorie Snow is a published writer and pho- tographer with a vast knowledge of antiques and their histor y. Snow was the owner of Terra Cotta in Las Vegas, an exclusive architectural vintage galler y, which has been featured in numerous West Coast magazines. Cannery Row Antique Mall • 471 Wave Street • Monterey 831.655.0264 Monterey's Coolest Pop-Up Events Happen at Cannery Row Antique Mall… August 19 Flea by the Sea August 18-26 Celebrating Car Week Vintage Automobilia Concours Posters A European-Style Children's Boutique featuring Collections by the World's Premier Children's Wear Designers, A Fabulous Selection of Clothing, Gifts, Footwear & Accessories Lincoln Street btwn Ocean & 7th, Carmel-by-the-Sea 624-6550 Visit us on Facebook at Heaven and Starchild A CHILD'S BOUTIQUE Newborn - 14 Years

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