Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, Summer/Fall 2018

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Page 129 of 315

THURSDAY-SATURDAY, AUGUST 23-25 Pebble Beach Classic Car Forum R espected motorsports experts and personalities lead three days of panel discussions exploring automotive design, history, collecting and innovation. Events take place at The Inn at Spanish Bay. or 831/622-1700 THURSDAY-SUNDAY, AUGUST 23-26 Rolex Monterey Motorsports Reunion M ore than 500 race-provenant and historic race cars will compete at this year's reunion. Expect featured-marque Nissans and Datsuns on the paddock, and look for Can-Am run group vehicles reviving their glory years at the track. Legends John Morton, Peter Brock and Steve Millen will participate in question-and-answer sessions, while Mika Häkkinen will make a spirited exhibition in one of his championship-win- ning McLarens. or 831/242-8200 ROLEX MONTEREY MOTORSPORTS REUNION Photo: TM Hill 128 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 Continued on page 130

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