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204 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 RENEW YOUR BODY. REVITALIZE YOUR SOUL. All of our services are derived from ancient traditional rituals that allow you to relax, renew and revitalize your whole being and bring you complete peace of mind. 118 Crossroads Blvd., Carmel, CA • (831) 625-4410 designers—the designers of our future." There is also a separate theme for audience members. This year's is "Color Me Water." "We invite the audience to manifest the def- inition of that for themselves." Rivera explains. Funding for the Big Sur Fashion Show comes via ticket sales and local business and communi- ty member sponsorships. Carmel architecture and interior design firm Studio Schicketanz is the presenting sponsor for 2018. "Design and fashion belong together," says Principal Architect Mary Ann Schicketanz, who lived in Big Sur for many years. "My kids grew up there and I'm still very committed to the com- munity. This is a great way to give back." Van Pelt, whose first participation was design- ing an act with her husband Patrick Golden in the 2014 show agrees: "This event is life-changing for people. It changed mine and continues to do so. It's gratifying…a dream come true for me." For her part, Schicketanz and her team have talked about participating as designers many times, but "we are all so busy and the year flies by." True to its roots, the show continues to benefit the Big Sur community, making dona- tions to Big Sur Stage Kids, Big Sur Fiddle Camp and Apple Pie Preschool. The 2018 Big Sur Fashion show kicks off Friday, September 7 at 6pm. This event will most certainly sell out. For tickets and more information visit This isn't your mother's fashion show. Up to 30 local, amateur designers create "clothing"— in a loose definition of the word — made of anything except fabric or traditional clothing materials.