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The Endless Summer Lives on in the Glass Released in 1965, "The Endless Summer" chronicled two California surfers' globetrotting quest for the perfect wave, introducing the surf culture to a genera- tion of Americans. I n 1964, Southern California filmmaker Bruce Brown produced a film that followed the adventures of two surfers, Mike Hynson and Robert August, as they circled the globe in search of the "perfect wave." The concept of "The Endless Summer" embraced the idea that, given the economic freedom to do so, one could follow warm weather and optimum waves by travelling to wherever it's summer in the world. Now that vibe is being bottled in the form of a new wine brand named The Endless Summer, created by Carmel restaurateur, artist, musician and winery owner Walter Georis. Lacking major studio backing and distribution—and for that matter, any interest whatsoever—Brown initially screened his movie in high school gyms, surf shops and community centers around the country. Since the movie lacked a soundtrack, the filmmaker provided live narration while playing recorded surf music in the background. The studios eventually took notice when Brown enlarged the original 16mm film to 35mm and added a soundtrack. That soundtrack featured music written and per- formed by The Sandals, a San Clemente band of teenagers that included Georis and his brother and now fellow Carmel businessman Gaston. A n I c o n i c F i l m B e c o m e s a n I d e a l W i n e B r a n d B Y M I C H A E L C H AT F I E L D C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 255 Photo: Courtesy of Bruce Brown Films