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C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 265 "We are selling things that nobody needs. It's strictly an emotional buy. The only thing intellectual about buying a piece of art is how you're going to pay for it, or where you're going to hang it in your house." The artists represented at Westbrook Modern are carefully chosen. "I want to put artists in this gallery that have museum representation, or are in corporate or substantial private collections," Westbrook says. "Otherwise you become a decorator or a signature collector. You become a decorator because the art matches your couch—I don't mind matching couches, but that's not my objective in the art business. If you're spending $5,000 or more, it should be an investment." What shines through with Brian Westbrook is the sense that he truly does care about the people and artists he works with. "Some of my clients are like family to me. I want to be able to look them in the eye and say, 'Your Renoir is worth more than you paid for it.' " The Westbrook Modern gallery is two doors northeast of 6th on Dolores in Carmel. Call 831/625-2288 or go to The Westbrook Modern experience is unlike any other. Concentrating on a personalized approach that focuses on one-on-one client interaction, no explanatory labels accompany the works. Michiel Gloeckner (1915-1989) Untitled, 1961 Oil on Canvas 25 x 40