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Photos by Kelli Uldall 298 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 ~ T H E P E N I N S U L A S C E N E ~ Monterey Museum of Art's Women in Art Spring Gala Monica Graham, Lydia Lyons, Adriana Hayward T he Monterey Museum of Ar t's "Women in Ar t" Spring Gala welcomed nearly 200 suppor ters at Tehama Golf Club, chaired by Monica Graham and Adriana Hayward. To highlight Year of the Women 2018 at the Museum, the evening featured a walk through the eras celebrating various female ar tists. Proceeds suppor t the Museum's mission, connecting the community with California ar t — past, present, and future. Stuart Chase, Lyla Staples Thorsen John Greenwald, Cynthia & Brian Weick Eric & Rebecca Heiser, Sylvia & Galen Ishii Kerri Goldberg, Adam & Laura Jeselnick Mia Peterson, Aimee Bates, Molly Bozzo Dan Baldwin, Anne Ylvisaker Rick & Joyce Thau, Brooks McChesney, Lorraine Deans McChesney Manfred Michels, Kristin Duckett, Courtney & Josh Jones Roseanne Pierre, Jennifer Keszler, Erin Stiver, Robin Mayer Cyril & Jeanne Yansouni, Ann & Bill Slautterback, Jinah & Nigel Lovett Jimmy & Carrie Panetta Gus & Ksenija Halamandaris Wayne & Kyle Wood Frank & Judith Marshall Photos: Kelli Uldall