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C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 305 Celebrating 55 Years 8545 Carmel Valley Road, Carmel, California 93923 License #270700110 COA #082 Every age has its joys and challenges, whether you're 20 or 40. But those over 65 can relax at Carmel Valley Manor, a life care community. It has an ideal climate, fine dining and fun activities, with three levels of care, should you need them. For information, call Angie Machado, (800) 544-5546 or visit Here, you have balance. In your 40s, it was so many responsibilities, so little time. Scenes, Scents and Sounds of Love Carmel Mission Proudly Presents Our 2018 Concert Series: One Thousand and One Arabian Nights Friday, September 7 • 7pm MacMahon Center, Carmel Mission Laura Anderson, soprano ~ Rick Yramategui, piano America the Beautiful Carmel Mission Basilica Friday, October 12 • 7:30pm (6pm cocktail hour) Laura Anderson, soprano ~ Leah Zumberge, piano~ Tiffany Bedner, piano and organ 3080 Rio Road, Carmel 831. 624.1271 ext 214 Tickets will be available in the Museum Store beginning 3 weeks before each concert. Proceeds go to Carmel Mission Music Ministry and Crespi Hall Restoration Project.