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Painter Celebrates Near ly Four Decades in Carmel B Y M I C H A E L C H AT F I E L D J im Miller is one of the lucky ones: an artist who has been able to translate his talent into a comfortable living for his family. But make no mistake: his success has less to do with luck than the prodigious talent he channels through his brush onto his paintings. Miller is a master of painting water. Viewing one of his seascapes, one gets the impression that a finger touching the work would come back wet. He's been working in Carmel for near- ly 40 years. A graduate of both CSU Los Angeles and the prestigious ArtCenter College of Design, Miller became a commercial artist. "I won a contest in New York with a [sitarist] Ravi Shankar album cover," he recalls. Miller moved there, but, he says, "I hated it and came back to LA," where he found plentiful work in advertising and film poster design. The lure of fine art called, and remembering his love for the Monterey Peninsula area which developed while stationed at Fort Ord, he moved here in 1979. Shortly after, he opened his eponymous studio, where he produces the work on display. "This is truly an atelier," he says proudly. Visit the Jim Miller Gallery on Ocean Avenue between Dolores and Lincoln in Carmel. Call 831/625-0425 or go to SHORTCUTS ART Artist Jim Miller is a skilled painter of water. His vivid seascapes and talent have been on display in Carmel for nearly 40 years. 76 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 Photo: Kelli Uldall