Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, Summer/Fall 2018

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Salinas Company Deliver s the Goods to Beef Lover s B Y M I C H A E L C H AT F I E L D I t just makes sense: healthy cattle produce healthier beef. The Black Angus that roam the Corral de Tierra Cattle Company's verdant hills are responsibly grazed on a diversity of nat- urally occurring grasses. "This is what cattle should be eating," says owner Mark Farr. Farr selectively chooses what areas his charges feed on, using portable, solar-powered electric fences and moving them to fresh grazing grounds before one area is completely denuded. "Grazing in this way allows nature to reseed the land," Farr says. He allows the cattle to con- sume one-third of the grasses, leaving the bal- ance to revitalize the land. No hormones or antibiotics are used. "I never have to doctor sick animals; they don't get sick," he says. What does that do for the meat? "Our beef tastes more like elk, a bit gamey— in a good way—but tender." A 10-pound package of beef sells for $100 and includes steaks, roast, ground beef and stew meat. Farr has also star ted a "Buyer's Club"— kind of like a CSA for beef — that delivers a 10-pound box monthly for an annual cost of $1,000. Corral de Tierra beef is available locally at Bruno's Market in Carmel and Jerome's Carmel Valley Market. For more information or to order online, please visit SHORTCUTS NEIGHBORS Mike Farr of the Corral de Tierra Cattle Company treats his Black Angus cattle and their grazing practices responsibly. The result is delicious beef. 82 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 Photo: Kelli Uldall

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