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Rober t's Club Comes to Car Week B Y M I C H A E L C H AT F I E L D T he man behind the successful Robert Graham menswear line is again bringing his innovative, entrepreneurial spirit to the men's fashion world. He left that company last October. "I wanted to go on a new adventure," Robert Stock says. "I like challenges, so I came up with this idea of formulating a club type of atmos- phere where a gentleman can join and get per- sonal attention from my [former Rober t Graham Chief Designer] Tom Main." That adventure is Rober t's Club, a new way of purchasing a whole new collection of cloth- ing online. "Tom and I have gone back to our roots, doing a lot of things we did at the beginning," Stock says. "We have the freedom to be creative." Members will have access to attire not avail- able elsewhere, but because the creative minds that brought Robert Graham to life also guide Robert's Club, expect some crossover. "The people who buy this line will expect some of the colorful patterns we're known for," says Stock. The designs are playful and fun and will fea- ture a few surprise touches. Each piece from the initial collection will be hand-signed and numbered by Stock and early members will receive a shir t with his name woven into the fabric's pattern. For more information, visit SHORTCUTS BUSINESS Exclusive Robert's Club collection previews will be held during Car Week at the La Rambla Building courtyard and McCall's Motorworks Revival. 90 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8