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The Friendliest Place in a Dog Friendly Town B Y M I C H A E L C H AT F I E L D I t makes perfect sense that a dog grooming studio would be the busiest place in town in a pet-pampering community such as Carmel. Grooming By The Sea lives up to that descrip- tion. The fur truly flies among the hustle and bustle seen here on any given day. Husband and wife owners Josh Fickewirth and Marki Miner and their staff perform a care- fully choreographed ballet, shepherding their four-legged clients through the process of mak- ing them look their very best. It's frenetic but somehow laid back at the same time. "We want the overall vibe here to be mel- low," Miner says. She and Fickewirth started their business as a mobile grooming service a decade ago, landing at their current brick-and- mortar location in 2011. Miner has a long history in the trade. "It was always a no-brainer for me to be in the animal business," she says. She began by grooming horses, then becom- ing a veterinary tech. Her love for her work and her clients is obvious. "We work really hard to build relationships with the animals and their owners," Miner explains. "We know all the dogs around Carmel." Grooming By The Sea is located on the east side of Mission between 3rd and 4th in Carmel. For an appointment, please call 831/625-1111. SHORTCUTS BUSINESS Josh Fickewirth and Marki Miner (pictured with Chewy Nelson) run Grooming By the Sea in Carmel. The dogs get groomed in a relaxed environment. 94 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 Photo: Kelli Uldall