28 September 2018 Tablets & Capsules
Issue focus tableting
R&D tablet press
Kambert KX 100 tablet press for R&D
and small-batch production offers
pre-compression of 10 kilonewtons
and main compression of 60 kilonew-
tons and produces as many as 86,400
tablets per hour. GMP-compliant
machine uses eight, nine, or 10 stations
and accepts B, D, and BB tooling.
Other features include an exchange-
able turret, a powered force feeder
with variable-speed control, and fine
adjustment of tablet weight and thick-
ness. Sealed, transparent upper guard
dampens noise and includes a safety
interlock, as does the lower guard.
Options include a gravity feeder, dif-
ferent fill cam sizes, and instrumenta-
tion that monitors pre- and main com-
pression and ejection force.
CMC Machinery, Princeton, NJ
609 720 9800
Tablet press
FE35 tablet press can be fitted with up to 51 stations to produce as many as
367,000 tablets per hour. Detachable polymer panels and geometrically optimized
surfaces ease operator access and speed cleanup. Turret changeover involves only
10 components, requires no tools, and takes as little as 15 minutes. Other features
include an internal tablet discharge chute and a vacuum cleaning system.
Fette Compacting America, Rockaway, NJ
973 586 8722
Tablet presses
TPR tablet press series includes models 200, 500, and 700. TPR 200 is suitable for
developing and evaluating tablet formulations and produces as many as 230,000
tablets per hour. R&D press integrates with the company's Xelum continuous man-
ufacturing platform and can be equipped with containment and bilayer conversion
equipment. TPR 500 handles more than 400,000 tablets per hour and can manu-
facture MUPS products without any additional equipment. TPR 700 (photo) pro-
duces 1 million tablets per hour and can be modified for bilayer tableting. All three
machines feature exchangeable turrets, modular powder feeders, tablet discharge
chutes, user-friendly interfaces, and optional integrated die tables.
Bosch Packaging Technology, Minneapolis, MN
763 424 4700