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TABLETS & CAPSULES Tablets & Capsules (ISSN 1549-9928 print; ISSN 1938-9159 online) is published by CSC Publishing, Inc, 1155 Northland Drive, Saint Paul, MN 55120. w w w . t a b l e t s c a p s u l e s . c o m September 2018 Volume 16 Number 6 Cover photo shows tablets being m a n u f a c t u r e d u s i n g N a t o l i Engineering's multi-tip tooling. Company's multi-tip tooling increases tablet production without requiring a new tablet press or additional space and labor. Company also offers tablet presses, R&D and production software, tooling and tablet design, tablet press refurbish- ment, formulation testing and analysis, and technical training. Courtesy of Natoli Engineering. For more information call 636 926 8900 or visit tableting Industry perspectives on sticking during tablet compression 12 Sayantan Chattoraj, Patrick Daugherity, Todd McDermott, Angela Olsofsky, Wyatt J. Roth, and Mike Tobyn Optimizing your tablet press tooling 23 Mike Beyl Issue focus: Tableting 28 Back page Cover 3 Matt Bundenthal liquid capsule lling Solving formulation problems with liquid- lled hard capsules 33 Milind K. Biyani Are softgels right for your product? 37 Tomasz Bokas Liquid capsule lling: A survey of what's available 39 also in this issue Pack Expo preview 32 CPhI preview 42 Eye on Excipients 44 John Lawrence departments In memoriam 6 Research 6 Markets 8 Industry news 8 Industry innovations 46 Calendar 47 Supplier news 47 Advertiser index 48 People news 48