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Tablets & Capsules September 2018 47 calendar Practical Course on Viscosity Mea- surements. September 20 in Middle- boro, MA. Conducted by Ametek Brookfield. (www.brookfieldengineer, 800 628 8139). Tablet Press Training. September 20 in Holbrook, NY. Conducted by T a b l e t C o m p r e s s i o n R e s o u r c e . (www.tabletcompressionresource. com, 631 655 0174). American College of Clinical Phar- macology Annual Meeting. Septem- ber 23-25 in Bethesda, MD. (www., 571 291 3493). Enhanced Approaches for Analytical Procedure Lifecyle: An Alternative to Traditional Validation. Septem- ber 24-25 in Rockville, MD. Con- ducted by USP. (, 301 881 0666). 21 CFR 111 Dietary Supplement GMP Overview. September 24-25 in Carlsbad, CA. Conducted by NSF. (, 734 769 8010). Rx-360 Conference. September 25-26 in Miami, FL. (www.rx-360. org, 301 710 9399 x102). PBE Southeast Powder Show. Sep- tember 25-27 in Charlotte, NC. Con- ducted by Powder and Bulk Engineer- ing magazine. (www.pbepowder, 651 287 5600). Fundamentals of Dissolution: Guid- ance for the Verification and Quali- fication of a Dissolution Apparatus. September 25-26 in North Bruns- wick, NJ. Conducted by USP. (www., 301 881 0666). Vendor Qualification and Audit Training. September 26 in Carlsbad, CA. Conducted by NSF. (www.nsf. org, 734 769 8010). Dietary Supplement Labeling Com- pliance. September 26-27 in Kansas City, MO. Conducted by EAS Con- sulting. (www.easconsultinggroup. com, 877 327 9808). Dietary Supplement GMP Compli- ance Seminar. September 26-27 in Dallas, TX. Conducted by EAS Con- sulting. (www.easconsultinggroup. com, 877 327 9808). SOCRA Annual Conference. Sep- tember 28-30 in New Orleans, LA. Conducted by Society of Clinical Research Associates. (, 215 822 8644). October RAPS Regulatory Convergence. October 1-4 in Vancouver, BC. Con- ducted by Regulatory Affairs Profes- s i o n a l s S o c i e t y . ( w w w . r a p s . org/2018, 301 770 2920, ext. 200). Tablet Compression Training. Octo- ber 2 in Holbrook, NY. Conducted by Tablet Compression Resource. (www.tabletcompressionresource. com, 631 655 0174). Pharmaceutical Legislation Update. October 2 in York, UK. Conducted by NSF. (, 734 769 8010). Secrets of Batch Process Scale-up. October 2-4 in Stockholm, Sweden. Conducted by Scientific Update. (, +44 1435 873 062). CPhI Worldwide. October 9-11 in Madrid, Spain. Conducted by UBM. (, +31 207 081 637). Good Pharmacovigilance Practice Workshop. October 11 in Watford, UK. Conducted by NSF. (www.nsf. org, 734 769 8010). Practical Course on Viscosity Mea- surements. October 11 in Houston, TX. Conducted by Ametek Brook- field. (www.brookfieldengineering. com, 800 628 8139). The Manufacturing Process and Troubleshooting. October 11-13 in Cleveland, OH. Conducted by Techceuticals. (www.techceuticals. com, 216 658 8038). Exploring the Science of Drug Absorption. October 15-16 in Rock- ville, MD. Conducted by USP. (, 301 881 0666). Chemical Development & Scale-up in the Fine Chemical & Pharmaceu- tical Industries. October 15-17 in Seattle, WA. Conducted by Scien- tific Update. (www.scientificupdate., +44 1435 873 062). 21 CFR 111 Dietary Supplement GMP Overview. October 16-17 in Toronto, Canada. Conducted by NSF. (, 734 769 8010). Pellets and Micropellets for Oral Multiparticulate Dosage Forms. October 16-18 in Binzen, Germany. Conducted by Technology Training Center. (, +49 7621 664 308). Practical Approaches to Quality by Design (QbD) for Chemical Pro- cess R&D and Manufacturing. Octo- ber 16-18 in Frankfurt, Germany. Conducted by Scientific Update. (, +44 1435 873 062). Practical Course on Viscosity Mea- surements. October 18 in Middle- boro, MA. Conducted by Ametek Brookfield. (www.brookfieldengi, 800 628 8139). MAGI Clinical Research Confer- ence. October 21-24 in San Diego, CA. Conducted by Model Agree- ments and Guidelines International. (, 650 465 0119). AIChE Annual Meeting. October 28-November 2 in Pittsburgh, PA. Conducted by American Institute of Chemical Engineers. (www.aiche. org, 800 242 4363). supplier news ACGI partners with Verinetics MUMBAI, India—ACG Inspection (ACGI) has partnered with Verinetics, Research Triangle Park, NC, to pro- vide its pharmaceutical consumers with multi-factor product authentica- tion. ACGI will add Verinetics' TraxSecur software, which detects and deters fraud in the supply chain, to its track-and-trace solutions. CoreRx to manufacture generics for Bionpharma TAMPA, FL—CoreRx, a pharma- ceutical CDMO, has agreed to develop and manufacture generic products for biopharmaceutical man- ufacturer Bionpharma, Princeton, NJ. Additionally, CoreRx will upgrade its infrastructure to meet Bionpharma's