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6 September 2018 Tablets & Capsules in memoriam Tablets & Capsules recently suffered a heartbreaking loss when produc- tion manager Harry Myers passed away unexpectedly in June. For the past 20 years, Harry was a stalwart member of the CSC Publishing pro- duction department, coordinating with editors, advertisers, and his own production team to ensure our magazines' quality, accuracy, and timely delivery to our readers. He will be greatly missed by all of us at T&C, and we send our heartfelt con- dolences to his family, friends, and everyone who knew him. research news Psychedelics may alleviate depression symptoms DAVIS, CA—Serotonergic psy- chedelics, such as dimethyltryptamine (DMT) and lysergic acid diethylam- ide (LSD), may have therapeutic ben- efits as potential treatments for depression and related disorders, according to researchers at the University of California, Davis. During in vitro and in vivo testing, these psychedelic compounds have been shown to promote structural and func- tional plasticity in the prefrontal cor- tex, much like dissociative anesthetic ketamine. By helping brain neurons in this area communicate with each other, these drugs could help alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other related conditions. THOMAS ENGINEERING INC. - 575 West Central Rd. Hoffman Estates, IL, 60192 - TEL 800-634-9910 W W W . T H O M A S E N G . C O M THOMAS TABLET PRESS TOOLING