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14 Review, 15 Feb. 1935, p. 12. 11. "Four Rainey Pictures…," [Tuscon] Arizona Daily Star, 11 Feb. 1935, p.1. 12. Ibid.; "Ninth Painting of Rainey Placed in House Gallery," Alton [Illinois] House Telegraph, 10 Oct. 1935, p. 2; "In Washington," The Decatur [Illinois] Review, 24 Sept. 1935, p. 8 (12 Rainey portraits); "Famous Artist Shown at His Work Here," unknown newspaper, 1935, scrapbooks of Nancy Palmer Christy (hereafter, NPC) at the Skillman Library, Lafayette College, Easton, PA (hereafter, SLLC) (16 Rainey portraits); "Don't Quote Me," Green Bay [Wisconsin] Press Gazette, 23 Sept. 1935, p. 10. 13. "Christy Work of H.T. Rainey Made Official," Chicago Sunday Tribune, 21 Jun. 1936, p. 5; "Don't Quote Me," Green Bay [Wisconsin] Press Gazette, 23 Sept. 1935, p. 10; ibid.; David V. Felts, "Second Thoughts," The Decatur [Illinois] Herald, 23 Jun. 1936, p. 6. Keller received from a close relative of Rainey a "photograph study" of the late Speaker smoking a pipe and a letter suggesting that a portrait should be made from the picture. Keller considered it a possibility but found that other members of the Library Committee decided this representation would be too informal to hang as the official portrait in the Speaker's Lobby. 14. "Famous Artist Shown at His Work Here," unknown newspaper, 1935, scrapbooks of NPC at SLLC; NPC's unpublished journal manuscript of HCC, SLLC (hereafter, NPCJ), pp. 291–292. 15. SLLC has a photograph of HCC with Kent Keller. Keller inscribed the photo of Christy next to the congressman's portrait with the following: "To Howard Chandler Christy—He who with col- ors paints a head—set forth as though a marble bust endowed with life were sitting there contemplating a world. Who sees the twins of man and canvas—one living the short span of life—the other to continue on. Only a divine soul can perpetuate a soul gone. Hence—that is a gift of God. Kent E. Keller." 16. "Congress Critics," Time, 20 June 1938; Drew Pearson and Robert S. Allen, "The Daily Wash- ington Merry-Go-Round," Waterloo [Iowa] Daily Courier, 16 Mar. 1937, p. 4. 17. Pearson and Allen, "The Daily Washington Merry-Go-Round," p. 4. 18. Record #1131 of Vol. 1, p. 76, Birth Records of the Court of Common Pleas of Morgan County, Ohio; NPCJ, pp. 4, 5. 19. See generally James Philip Head, An Affair with Beauty—The Mystique of Howard Chandler Christy: The Magic of Youth (Minneapolis, MN, 2016), pp. xvi–xviii. 20. NPCJ, p. 289; Elise Ford's Memoirs of HCC (unpublished dictated), SLLC (hereafter, EFM), p. 151. 21. NPCJ, p. 292. We the People is sometimes referred to as The Signing of the Constitution. The Gilcrease Museum in Tulsa, Oklahoma owns the original. 22. H.R. Rep. No. 75-1569, p. 3 (1937); EFM, p. 153. 23. NPCJ, p. 292; Oliver McKee. Jr., "Super- Salesman of Patriotism: Sol Bloom, Promoter of Washington's Bicentennial," Outlook and Indepen- dent, 3 Feb. 1932; "Christy Girl Comes Out of the Closet for the Bicentennial," National Park Service Courier, Jul. 1987, p. 11; Sol Bloom to HCC, 31 May 1937, SLLC; EFM, pp. 151, 157. 24. EFM, p. 157; Sol Bloom to HCC, 31 May 1937, SLLC. 25. Sol Bloom to HCC, 31 May 1937, SLLC. 26. EFM, p. 162. 27. Ibid. See William Smathers to HCC, 26 Feb. 1938, SLLC (suggesting that HCC hand-delivered each poster); John H. Tolan to HCC, 16 Feb. 1938, SLLC. 28. U.S. Guyer to HCC, 1 Mar. 1938, SLLC. 29. "Historical Whopper," Time, 29 Sept. 1941, p. 49. 30. H.R.J. Res. 486, 75th Cong. (1937); H.R.J. Res. 487, 75th Cong. (1937); S.J. Res. 206, 75th Cong. (1937); H.R. Rep. No. 75-1569, p. 4 (1937); S. Rep. 75-1235, p. 4 (1937). 31. 81 Cong. Rec. S9326–9327 (1937) (statement of Sen. Clark); 81 Cong. Rec. S9330-9331 (1937); Hattie Caraway to HCC, 23 Aug. 1938, SLLC. 32. 83 Cong. Rec. 4665–4666, 5489, 8235–8239 (1938); NPCJ, p. 294. THE CAPITOL DOME