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The Capitol Dome is a quarterly publication of the U.S. Capitol Historical Society, 200 Maryland, Ave., NE, Washington, DC 20002. P: (202) 543-8919 F: (202) 525-2790 Catalog Orders: (800) 887-9318 email: on the web: Editor and Chief Historian: William diGiacomantonio Managing Editor: Lauren Borchard Designer: Diana E. Wailes Printer: HBP Inc. All uncredited photos are courtesy of the U.S. Capitol Historical Society. The U.S. Capitol Historical Society is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, 501(c)3 educational organization. To help support its public programming, visit 2018 USCHS BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mitch Bainwol Hon. Roy Blunt Jean P. Bordewich Kenneth Bowling, Ph.D. Marc Cadin Sean Callinicos Donald G. Carlson (chair) Hon. Bob Casey Hon. Tom J. Cole Hon. Gerry Connolly Jeanne deCervens Joseph W. Dooley Andrew Durant Hon. Virginia Foxx Mary Moore Hamrick Betsy Hawkings Mark Hopkins Hon. John B. Larson Brett Loper Lorraine Miller Hon. Edward A. Pease Craig Purser Michael C. Quinn David Regan Cokie Roberts Robert A. Rusbuldt Anna Schneider Jan Schoonmaker Dr. Robert H. Schwengel Matthew Shay Dontai Smalls James Thurber, Ph.D. Connie Tipton (vice-chair) Brig. Gen. Tim White Mike Zarrelli Maura Molloy Grant (counsel) Contents The "Barefoot Boy of the Blue Muskingum": How Howard Chandler Christy Won the 1935 "Battle of the Portraits" in the U.S. Capitol, Leading to Its Largest Painting—The Scene at the Signing of the U.S. Constitution by James Philip Head................................................................................2 The Principal Fortifications of the United States: The Final Paintings of General Seth Eastman by James Lancel McElhinney....................................................................16 Painting History in the United States Capitol Rotunda by Anna O. Marley, Ph.D.......................................................................31 Society News...................................................................................................48 Marketplace.....................................................................................................56 Cover: Gen. Seth Eastman painted Fort Mackinac between 1870 and 1875. It is part of a series of paintings of U.S. fortifications he was com- missioned to paint for the U.S. House. Initially, the paintings hung in the rooms of the Committee on Military Affairs; they have since been dispersed through both wings of the Capitol. For more about Eastman and this series of paintings, see James Lancel McElhinney's article beginning on page 16. (Courtesy U.S. Senate Collection) UNITED STATES CAPITOL ----------- HISTORICAL SOCIETY