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49 THE CAPITOL DOME CAPITOL COMMITTEE RENEWALS, UPGRADES, AND NEW MEMBERS DECEMBER 1, 2017 TO MAY 31, 2018 The Society deeply appreciates all the Capitol Committee members for their continued involvement and support of its educational mission. LEADERSHIP COUNCIL ($25,000 & ABOVE) Amway Bank of America Grant Thornton Roche Diagnostics Corporation Time Warner Transamerica UPS CONSTITUTION SIGNERS ($15,000–$24,999) Altria Client Services, LLC Association for Advanced Life Underwriting Beer Institute Chevron Comcast NBC Universal Dominion Energy International Paper National Automobile Dealers Association Shell Oil Company BRUMIDI SOCIETY ($10,0000–$14,999) American Council of Life Insurers American Society of Civil Engineers Astellas Pharma US Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals CN CoBank Corn Refiners Association CSX Corporation Faegre Baker Daniels LLP Fidelity Investments Food Marketing Institute Kraft Heinz Company Principal FOUNDER LEVEL ($5,000–$9,999) American Beverage Association American Society of Mechanical Engineers Bayer Corporation Cigna Conference of State Bank Supervisors EMD Serono, Inc. K&L | Gates Leonardo DRS Mazda North America Operations National Beer Wholesalers Association National Grocers Association National Retail Federation Nationwide Insurance New York Life Insurance Company Penn Quarter Partners, LLC Pfizer, Inc. Texas Instruments Incorporated For more information about the many benefits available to Capitol Committee Members, please contact Director, Corporate Giving Marilyn Green at (202) 543-8919 x21 or, or Manager of Development and Outreach Jennifer Romberg at (202) 543-8919 x23 or From the Chairman of the Board… O n behalf the entire board of the U.S. Capitol Historical Society, I am announcing the retirement of our longtime leader and president/CEO, the Hon. Ron Sarasin. After 17 years at the helm of our organization, Ron informed me of his intent to retire and formally did so at the end of March. Ron's service to the Society was monumental and we are most grateful for the opportunity to have worked with him. He successfully led us through many challenges and placed us on a path to fulfill our mission for the future. Ron's unique career in the Congress and in the Washington business community gave him the skills we needed during these years of both change and growth. The Board wishes him a wonderful retirement and many, many years of good health to enjoy with his family. The Society is now in the process of conducting a professional search for his successor; I look forward to shar- ing information on a new leader in the near future. With all best regards and wishes, Don Carlson