Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, Winter-Spring 2019

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Today coffee tins are highly collectible. In fact, they have become one of the most sought after types of antique advertising collectibles, second only to tobacco tins. The very elaborate lithographed one pound "Tall Coffee Tins" range in price from $150 to over $1,000, while those with plain lettering will gen- erally sell from $75 to $150. Key-wind style tins can still be found for under $25 but the ones with appealing graphics can easily fetch more than $100. I had a close friend when I first moved to Nevada. We were young and hopeful about our ventures and future. She moved to New York to pur- sue modeling, while I drove to Los Angeles to study acting. While in the Big Apple, she met a young man who became a close friend of hers. He also had dreams and visions of success, which they shared over coffee or lunch. She eventually returned to Nevada, while he went back to his home state of Washington. That young man started his f irst coffee house in Washington state. His name was Howard Schultz. His Starbucks coffee houses have now expanded into 28,000 locations world-wide and have changed the way we now view coffee forever. We are one very caffeinated nation. The market is transforming greatly due to the demands of millennials who crave innovation with their coffee. Younger people under the age of 35 are driving this growth in coffee con- sumption outside of the home, drinking it on the go, while people 65 years and older mostly brew their own java at home. So, while the nation is saucing it up on caffeine, these venti-sized mocha, latte, macchiato, caramel dolce, frappucino, cold foam concoctions offer a kind of fulfillment. It takes us back to a sort of Havana 1950s state of mind, high on intensity and infused with extraordinary stimulants to nour- ish people's spirits and feed a movement. I adore my coffee. As I push back from the coffee bar, cinnamon and foam covered fingertips raised in surrender, my mom's words still ring in my head. I should've tasted my dad's coffee anyway as I still grew up to be short. Marjorie Snow is a published writer and photographer with a vast knowl- edge of antiques and their histor y. Snow was the owner of Terra Cotta in Las Vegas, an exclusive architectural vintage galler y, which has been featured in numerous West Coast magazines. C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 101 (Left) A 1930s coffee maker with dual-spouts, lined in porcelain to hold water, and fired up with coal placed underneath. Marked with embossed metal label "Soda Fountains & Supplies, Los Angeles, Calif." A rare find.

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