Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, Winter-Spring 2019

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Underdog for the Win Ted Potter, Jr. Took the 2018 Pro-Am by Sur pr ise B Y A L A N S H I P N U C K D uring the final round of last year's AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am, as Ted Potter, Jr. was surging to victory, some golf fans may have felt bad because they weren't familiar with the new king of the Crosby. If it's any consolation, many of Potter's peers were equally clueless. As he straggled off the 18th hole at Pebble Beach, Kevin Na, a 15-year veter- an, was asked if he could share any anecdotes about Potter. "Sorry, I don't know anything about him," Na said with a shrug. Paul Casey, a longtime Tour regular, added, "I have nothing for you. I honestly couldn't pick him out of…no I don't want to say that, because it might come across wrong. I'm sure he's a lovely fellow. I just don't know him." That's because Potter had spent his golfing life in the shadows. It took a magical weekend at the Pro-Am for his remarkable journey to be fully appreciated. Potter had roared into contention with a third-round 62 at Monterey Peninsula C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 121 Ted Potter, Jr., shown with actor/director and Pebble Beach Golf Links co-owner Clint Eastwood, surprised fans and players with his win of the 2018 AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am tournament. This year's event takes place February 4-10. Photo: 2018 Getty Images

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