Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, Winter-Spring 2019

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©2018 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Owned by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker, the Coldwell Banker logo, Coldwell Banker Global Luxury and the Coldwell Banker Global Luxury logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. CalRE License #01908304. 1186 THE DUNES ROAD, LOT 8 | $2,500,000 Overlooking the 6th green at Spyglass Hill Golf Course, this larger parcel also boasts generous frontage on the 7th fairway | Approximately .95 Acre TheDunesRoadLot8 .com T H E P E B B L E B E A C H L O T S . C O M

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