Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, Winter-Spring 2019

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after his father was stricken with that disease. "We put on a fundraiser for NNAC at Pebble and invited Arnold Palmer as guest of honor," Nantz says. As a thank you to his dear friend, Nantz hit on the idea of commissioning a paint- ing of the legendary linksman and naturally thought of Cost. "I commissioned her to do an oil painting of Arnold putting out on the 18th green," he explains, "with the hope that he would donate the piece back to Pebble Beach for display at the Lodge." That's precisely what happened. Today that work occupies a place of pride in the hallway outside the Tap Room at the Lodge at Pebble Beach. Nantz repeated the gesture for a subse- quent event featuring another pal, Jack Nicklaus. The por trait of the Golden Bear hit- ting the famous one-iron shot at Pebble's 17th hole that won him the US Open in 1972 hangs right next to Palmer's por trait. "These works of art were important to me, and also to Jack and Arnie," Nantz says, "and I entrusted Shelley with them. She did a masterful job. She absolutely captured them. I consider them to be masterpieces." Shelley Cost's paintings are shown at the Nancy Dodds Gallery, 7th and San Carlos in Carmel; Gallery-By-the-Sea Carmel at 5th and San Carlos in Carmel; and at the Carmel Valley Art Association at 2 Chambers Lane in Carmel Valley. More of her work can be viewed at We can help your clients with loan amounts up to $5 million 1 Most banks only offer loans up to $2 million. Union Bank® offers loans up to $5 million. 1 Loans subject to credit and collateral approval. Not all loan programs are available in all states for all loan amounts. Terms and conditions subject to change. ©2019 MUFG Union Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Union Bank is a registered trademark and brand name of MUFG Union Bank, N.A. April Robbert Private Mortgage Consultant 831-234-2088 NMLS ID #384061 Get personalized service and great rates with a Jumbo Loan from Union Bank. C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 141 "I love to paint. We live in such a beautiful area. It's a challenge to bring that three-dimensional world to life on a two-dimensional canvas."

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