Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, Winter-Spring 2019

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162 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 Drivers with a U.S. license must be 25 years or more to rent cars like this 2008 Tesla Roadster. With stunning scenery, the Monterey area is the perfect place to go for a special drive. Photo: Robbie McCay With lasting battery packs built in, the car was ready to roll when we were, shooting back into the Valley for casual but meaningful eats with a warm Country-Western and outdoor feel. casual but meaningful eats with a warm Country-Western and outdoor feel. Even though Elon Musk sent this car to space last year, we preferred it right here in our backyard. When's the last time you had a proper staycation? A road trip gives you the freedom to pack up the car, be on your own schedule and sponta- neously navigate your way through a new adventure, all while staying safe and exhilarated. Monterey Touring Vehicles reliably provides a fun, nostalgic and eclectic experience, even for us locals. You might stumble upon a beautiful pebbled beach, local event, or cute café you never knew you needed in your life. The fleet of vintage cars spans seven decades and there is a style for any number of miles you choose to travel. Whatever vehicle you are behind the wheel of, the homegrown and privately owned collection will quickly put a smile on your face and turn heads. Trust me, I had to leave many peo- ple to the curb with their cell phones out. My motto is this: life is too short to drive boring cars. Heather Gardner and staff understand this far too well and have turned their passion and hobby into an opportunity for all of us to navigate through our comfort zones. Tell a neighbor, relative or friend who is coming in from out of town that this is the only way to travel the Peninsula—just make sure there is a car left for me to drive. For more rental information on Monterey Touring Vehicles, please visit or call 831/471-5515.

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