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A New Brew in Town Yeast of Eden Launches in Carmel Plaza B Y C L AY TO N S C H U S T E R • P H OTO G R A P H Y B Y B R O C K B I L L ince October, work days have started early and ended late for J.C. Hill. The Director of Brewing Operations and visionary behind the Alvarado Street Brewing empire is currently overseeing the birth of his next major project: a brewpub in Carmel Plaza for his Yeast of Eden brand. "I've been putting in a lot of time over here," says Hill. "At this point, it's all about getting the infrastructure in place for a brewery. Plumbing lines for the refrigerant, wiring, coordinating sub- contractors. All the equipment is pretty much ready. We just need to finish." The work remaining is largely unseen while guests filter in. The restaurant portion of the brewpub commenced a soft opening on December 13, inviting diners and drinkers to stop by and sample Eden's array of nosh and tipples. "The grand opening will probably be in mid- January. We wanted to open the restaurant as soon as possible and get the concept moving. 210 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 S Yeast of Eden's recent opening on the lower level of Carmel Plaza brings an eagerly anticipated brewpub to downtown Carmel. J.C. Hill, who also started Alvarado Street Brewing, is introducing mixed fermentation beer to diners.