Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, Winter-Spring 2019

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Pacific Grove Ar t Center Celebrates 50 Year s B Y M I C H A E L C H AT F I E L D T he Pacific Grove Art Center is unique among Monterey Peninsula art venues. It's not a commercial gallery. It's not a museum. It's a place where artists can get their work in front of the public. "It's a great venue for beginning artists," says board member Misha Pavlov. "It's not commer- cially oriented…although works for the most part are for sale." The Center is celebrating its 50th year in existence in a space at the top of a long stairway above Lighthouse Avenue in downtown Pacific Grove. Hundreds of thousands have made that climb to take in the six exhibits presented each year in the Center's four galleries. "It is a cultural center not just for PG, but for the entire Peninsula," Pavlov says. Indeed, in addition to the visual arts, musical performances, dance recitals, tango nights, dances and popular bi-monthly hootenannies are all presented in the space. Arts education is a central part of the Center's mission. Generations of Peninsula chil- dren have benefitted from art and ballet classes and have been able to showcase their work to the community. Adults learn artistic skills in a wide range of media as well, taught by experi- enced artists. For more information or to learn about current exhibits, please visit SHORTCUTS ART "Within," by Elizabeth Miles, runs through February 21 at the Pacific Grove Art Center. The center, which has four galleries, is celebrating its 50th anniversary. 84 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 Photo: Kelli Uldall

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