Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, Winter-Spring 2019

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Homeopathic Doctor Sets up Shop in Carmel B Y M I C H A E L C H AT F I E L D I nternational skin care company Cinq Mondes' Carmel location—the only such flagship spa in the United States—welcomes Dr. Rozlynn Trotter. A homeopathic doctor, Trotter has opened Crossroads Health and Beauty in the spa's Crossroads Shopping Center site. Trotter offers a number of services such as custom therapeutic injections, state-of-the-art facial rejuvenation, non-surgical face and neck lifts, microneedling, tattoo, scar and stretch mark removal and nutritional counseling. "I utilize energy medicine, addressing health at the cellular level with my patients to optimize energy in all the organs of the body, as well as herbs and nutraceuticals," Dr. Trotter says. She brings insight and compassion to individuals seeking vitality and optimum health. A recent arrival to the Monterey Peninsula, Trotter has practiced at the Hall Center in Santa Monica, where she developed a Department of Homeopathy that included thyroid testing and a dispensary. She operated seven vitamin B shot clinics in Los Angeles before relocating to Big Sur. "I had a dream—I love dreams because they come true—I had a dream to move to Big Sur," she says. For more information and to schedule an appointment with Dr. Trotter, visit www.cinqmon- or stop by the spa at 118 Crossroads Boulevard in Carmel. SHORTCUTS HEALTH Dr. Rozlynn Trotter offers health and beauty treatments like homeopathy, nutri- tional counseling, non-surgical face lifts, tattoo removal and therapeutic injections. 92 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 Photo: Kelli Uldall

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