Machinery Lubrication

Machinery Lubrication Jan Feb 2013

Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation

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Welcome to Machinery Lubrication's Bookstore, designed to spotlight lubricationrelated books. For a complete listing of books of interest to lubrication professionals, check out the Bookstore at Automotive Lubricants and Testing Format: DVD Publisher: Noria Corporation This book provides a comprehensive overview of various lubrication aspects of a typical powertrain system, including the engine, transmission, driveline and other components. It also covers lubrication fundamentals and lubricant testing methods that are influenced by lubricant additive formulation and engine hardware changes. Train your team on the basics of lubrication and how to recognize early signs of lubricationrelated problems with this convenient video training DVD. Your operators will learn the basics of operator-based lubrication inspections and gain the knowledge to ensure that routine inspections and top-offs are performed with precision and accuracy. Machinery Oil Analysis — Methods, Automation & Benefits Author: Larry A. Toms This book uniquely presents the entire practice of oil analysis as a condition-monitoring tool for machines. The in-depth analysis describes the what, when, where and how-to for machinery lubrication, machinery failure and maintenance concepts, oil sampling and testing, statistical analysis and data interpretation. Oil Sampling Procedure Posters Publisher: Noria Corporation This set of three posters visually displays step-by-step oil sampling procedures for in-service lubricants and hydraulics. Each poster includes a list of required equipment necessary to follow the procedure. The procedures featured in the set are for high-fluid pressure systems, low-fluid pressure systems and systems at atmospheric pressure. Authors: Simon C. Tung and George E. Totten BOOK STORE Lubrication Basics for Machinery Operators Training Video Wear Particle Atlas Publisher: Noria Corporation Wear particle analysis supports identification of wear modes within a machine based on the quantity, morphology and composition of particles present in a representative lubricant sample. The Wear Particle Atlas is a guide to wear particle identification with photographs of typical wear particles found in used lubricating oil, illustrative case histories and operational procedures for wear debris analysis. Industry Practices for Electric Motor Bearing Lubrication Publisher: Noria Corporation Discover what works for motor bearing lubrication while benchmarking your lubrication program to 200 plants. Noria Corporation researched electric motor bearing lubrication at 200 North American plants and condensed the results into this valuable research analysis report. For descriptions, complete table of contents and excerpts from these and other lubrication-related books, and to order online, visit: or call 1-800-597-5460, ext. 204 | January - February 2013 41

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