Machinery Lubrication

Machinery Lubrication Jan Feb 2013

Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation

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ML NOW ON Find more great articles and content from Machinery Lubrication magazine online. From Web exclusives and industry news to videos, white papers, buyer's guides and more, everything that relates to machinery lubrication is available now on Understanding Filter Debris Analysis Sometimes sensory inspections can yield a diagnosis of what the problems with your hydraulic systems could be. Other times more information is needed, and an oil sample must be sent to a professional lab for analysis. Many labs offer filter debris analysis in addition to oil analysis. Find this article on the ML site to learn about the various tests that are performed during a filter debris analysis. Lubrication Myth: Any Grease Will Do This video explains how there are many industry myths and misconceptions when it comes to mounted bearing installation and maintenance. One common lubrication myth is that any grease will do. This is false because not all types of grease are the same. Some greases are incompatible because of the different thickeners or soaps used. Access this 1-minute, 22-second video at Maintaining Oil Return Lines Heat can be a big factor in the degradation of a rubber return line, which eventually will cause it to break. Depending on the quality of the hose being used, the polymer structure can begin to separate at high temperatures, leading to cracking of the rubber hose and ultimately a break in the line. Read this article on the ML site to find out what other factors can play a role in causing rubber return lines to break. 42 | January - February 2013 | Finding the Source of Particle Ingression Particles can come into equipment through a variety of means. They can enter through a mechanical service that is performed, after a failure or inspection, as well as through a process. Discover why it is paramount that you take every precaution to minimize or eliminate any contaminants such as dust and water from entering your equipment by reading this article on the ML site. How Splash Lubrication Works Watch this video for a better understanding of splash lubrication, which is the type of lubrication used by most small four-stroke engines. See how the dipper on the bottom of the connecting rod of a horizontal crankshaft engine scoops up oil from the crankcase for the bearings, as well as how oil is splashed up to the valve mechanism. Access this 44-second video at By the Numbers 69% of lubrication professionals use aluminum-complex grease at their plant, according to a recent survey at

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