DVD: It happens all the time.
When I'm out with people I
always have my ID out ready
to show because I know
they're going to ask. You
should see the way people
look at me. I know what
they're thinking, 'What
is this kid doing at
the bar?' It even
happens when
I go out to
DVD: I'm just into fashion. I kind of got that from
living with Mike Smith and seeing the way he dresses.
I just really liked how he's always wearing really nice
stuff. I took a liking to that and I'm lucky enough
that I've made some money so that I can splurge on
clothes every once in a while. I really like shoes.
TDN: You may be 24, but you look like you're 13. Does
that cause you any problems? I don't know if you drink,
but do bartenders ever look at you and say, "Yeah, right,
kid; get out of here?"
TDN: You're known to be a real clothes horse, that you
like nice clothes and pricey clothes. That's a bit unusual
for someone your age.