Retail Observer

June 2019

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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JUNE 2019 RETAILOBSERVER.COM 9 A Tale of Two Clients NOW IN ITS THIRD YEAR, SIGNATURE KITCHEN SUITE FROM LG ELECTRONICS SATISFIES THE DIFFERENT-BUT-DEMANDING NEEDS OF BUILDERS AND DESIGNERS W hile it might not exactly rival Charles Dickens' story of the French doctor Manette being pulled between Paris and London during the French Revolution, the need for Signature Kitchen Suite, the luxury appliance division of LG Electronics, to please two distinct customer audiences — builders and designers – offers some similar dynamics. Like the European capitals, the two groups speak different languages and operate in their own distinct cultures. Both also strive to meet the special needs of different-but-demanding clienteles who expect excellence. Fortunately for Signature Kitchen Suite and LG for Builders, the builder division of LG Electronics, both builders and designers share a commitment to offering their clients the very best in built-in product innovation, leading-edge technology, craftsmanship, and customer service. And that's precisely where the global electronic giant's appliance line excels over its me-too competitors: a rare ability to cater to builders and designers simultaneously thanks to inherent strengths, enduring relationships and proven experiences with both sides of the product decision-making process. "We've designed the Signature Kitchen Suite kitchen from the ground up with both builders and designers in mind, and then developed advisory alliances with experts in each group to ensure we stay ahead of future trends, said Zach Elkin, general manager of Signature Kitchen Suite, and a 35-year veteran of the kitchen appliance industry. "I'm personally very proud of this unique, collaborative process that gives us a distinct advantage over other brands." For builders, designers, and their dealer sales specialists, the result can be greater familiarity with not only the Signature Kitchen Suite line, but all LG brands and their range of products and services, leading to greater client satisfaction and a more profitable experience when Signature Kitchen Suite and LG products are ultimately specified and delivered. A HOLISTIC COMMITMENT TO BUILDERS Emanating directly from its name, LG for Builders has its mission to empower builders to make the best product decisions, whether Signature Kitchen Suite or another brand in the LG family. This partnership is manifest through ongoing membership and sponsorship support of the National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB) and through a continuous pledge to offer solutions for every home under a "Built for Better Living" mantra. *LG received the highest numerical score in the respective segments of the J.D. Power 2017 Laundry and Kitchen Appliance Satisfaction Study, based on 14,745 (kitchen) and 6,241 (laundry) total responses, measuring customer opinions about their new appliance purchased in the previous 12 months, surveyed February-March 2017. Your experiences may vary. Visit

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