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14 BioPharm International eBook June 2019 Single-Use Systems Buffers Buffers Benefi t from Single-Use Systems Single-use systems offer a solution to the challenges inherent in buffer preparation, which can be the cause of bottlenecking in bioprocessing. B ecause the manufacturing of biotherapeutics requires large volumes of process liquids, buffer preparation is an important aspect of large-scale biomanufacturing. It is also one of the most resource-intensive operations because of the large volumes and quantities typically needed in a bioprocess workflow, which runs the risk of creating bottlenecks if not handled correctly and efficiently. For example, it is estimated that a 2000-L production batch of a monoclonal antibody (mAb) at a titer of about 5 g/L uses 16,000 L to 22,000 L of water for injection. Coupled with the significant quantity and different types of buffers and process liquids used in bioproduction, these volumes can exert pressure on in-house buffer preparation opera- tions and, therefore, lead to capacity constraints (1). To address the challenges of buffer preparation a nd ea se b ot t le ne c k i ng , M i l l ip ore Sig ma deve l- oped the BioContinuum Buffer Delivery Platform, a new component to its BioContinuum Platform, which it unveiled at INTERPHEX 2019 (2). BioPharm International spoke with Andrew Bulpin, head of process solutions at MilliporeSigma, about what the company's buffer delivery platform entails, such as single-use components, and the benefits it offers to biomanufacturers. Grispb - FELIZA MIRASOL

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