Retail Observer

August 2019

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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+STEAMER +BAKING STONE +GRILL Double oven KODE900H shown; combination and single oven also available. Compared to non-integrated baking stones of similar size, weight and material. Appliance must be set to remote enable. Wi-Fi & App required. Features subject to change. For details and privacy statement, visit (USA) or (Canada). For delivery, allow 10-15 days in US and 3-4 weeks in Canada. Visit (US) or (Canada) for full details. ®/™ ©2019 KitchenAid. All rights reserved. D190017KC ** * † THE INNOVATIVE OVEN A CENTURY IN THE MAKING A century ago, the KitchenAid ® Stand Mixer offered a powered hub and attachments that turned one appliance into many. Now KitchenAid does it again, with the new Smart Oven+. It can grill year-round with minimal smoke and no flare-ups. Bake on a stone that preheats in half the time. * Or steam-cook far beyond the limits of a stovetop steamer pan. Plus, its smart capabilities allow control of each attachment from the oven's display, a tablet or smartphone. ** Visit Marketing Playbook or our eStore for marketing materials. And share the news about the revolutionary new Smart Oven+. From KitchenAid, of course. The grill ships with the oven. Connect, register or call to get the baking stone and steamer by mail at no additional cost. †

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