GateWay Community College

GWCC 2019-2020 Student Catalog

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Certificate & Degree Programs 2019-2020 + Indicates course has prerequisites and/or co-requisites. ++ Indicates any module suffixed courses. 196 FIELD OF INTEREST: CULTURE AND SOCIETY CREDIT HOUR PROGRAMS are both theoretical and application in nature. Degrees take approximately two years to complete (based on full-time status); while certificates take less than two years to complete. Associate in Arts Degree (AA) is designed for students planning to transfer to four-year colleges and universities. In general, the components of the degree meet requirements for majors in the Liberal Arts or programs of study other than business or science. Note: it is strongly recommended that students meet with an academic advisor to determine the correct coursework to take based on intended major and transfer institution of choice. TRANSFER PATHWAY PROGRAMS MCCCD Transfer Pathway Programs were created to allow Maricopa Community College students a smooth transition into an in-state college such as ASU, NAU, or UA. (Please click program title for detailed information from our Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation.) ANTHROPOLOGY (AA) COMMUNICATION (AA) ECONOMICS (AA) ENGLISH (LITERATURE) (AA) SOCIOLOGY (AA)

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