Retail Observer

September 2019

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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Home of the Year BEACON - PLAN 1 Beaumont, CA Builder: Pardee Homes Developer: Pardee Homes Architect/Designer: Bassenian Lagoni Architects Land Planner: Pardee Homes/RVI Planning Interior Designer: AI Design, Inc. Photographer: Christopher Mayer To win the most coveted single-family residence award of the night requires creating something extraordinary. This year's "Home of the Year" was selected not only for the beauty of its design, but because it delivered so many terrific qualities, while managing to remain simple, efficient and cost-effective. In contrast to homes that are larger in both size and budget, this jewel of a design gives an efficiently designed floor plan that doesn't compromise the strength of indoor / outdoor living, transparency, unfolding, layering and simplicity of construction. The judges selected this home in the hope that it will inspire future developments that enfold efficient design and construction without compromising the quality of design and living. Congratulations to the design and development team!

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