Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation
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22 | November - December 2019 | www . e Ingredion Canada plant in Cardinal, Ontario, made an impres- sive transformation in the way it manages lubrication. e site had a history of lubrication- related failures causing high-cost repairs, which negatively impacted the maintenance budget and process uptime. e condition of the old lube room and lubricants was dismal at best. e room was an uncontrolled walk-through that had process lines running through it. These lines opened and dumped on top of new oil drums. Oil was dispensed unfiltered by hand pumps into a combination of plastic and/or galva- nized transfer containers which were not color-coded. T he ma intena nce ma na ger at the time realized the need to change how lubrication was being managed. Proper lubricant storage and handling would be a signifi- cant part of this change. e plant took advantage of a capital project that needed the old area for a new process. is provided the opportu- nity for a new lubrication building. Maintenance also purchased new storage units and transfer containers for the new building. Next, two lubrication technicians were selected and dedicated to lubrica- tion full time. e focus then shifted to training, as the technicians were required to obtain Level I Machine Lubrication Technician (MLT I) and ultrasound certifications. Ingredion Plant Wins 2019 Lube Room Challenge 2019 LUBE ROOM CHALLENGE 22 | November - December 2019 | www . 2019 Winner: Ingredion Canada For its annual Lube Room Challenge, Machinery Lubrication recently invited readers to share evidence of how their lubricant storage rooms have been transformed to best practices. While several companies were proud to show how they maintain clean, cool, dry and well-identified lubricants, one entry stood out among the rest.