Machinery Lubrication

Machinery Lubrication Nov-Dec 2019

Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation

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www . | November - December 2019 | 35 How to Increase the Reliability of a Lubrication System A few years ago, the Kinross Paracatu mill in Brazil was experiencing a high recurrence of unscheduled shut- downs due to failures with its lubrication system. Read this article on the ML site to discover how the gold mine operation solved its lube failures and avoided more than $1 million in production losses over two years. Why Particle Counters Make Lubrication Programs More Effective Using particle counters to monitor oil and fluids onsite offers many benefits. Access this 1-minute, 52-second video at to get a better understanding of the advantages of having an onsite particle counter, such as for testing your filter performance, knowing when to use a filter cart and detecting abnormal wear. Best Methods for Filtering Hydraulic Oil Particle filtra- tion of a hydraulic system is usually s u f f i c i e nt f o r controlling t he level of oil contam- inants. However, sometimes "cutting corners" occurs during the system's engineering process, which can lead to inefficient filtration. Find out which methods are best for removing and preventing contamination by reading this article on the ML site. Predicting Machine Failure with Oil Analysis How can you predict when a machine is going to fail? While there are many predictive technologies avail- able, do not overlook oil analysis. Access this 2-minute, 2-second video at to hear how to obtain a representative oil sample from a live- zone area so you can see what is going on inside a machine and monitor the wear rate. Why an Oil's Base Number May Vary I n n o r m a l c on d it i on s , a reduction of the base number is expected due to the oil's addi- tives operating in the machine. These help to keep the engine cleaner and neutralize acids formed in the combus- tion chamber. Check out this article on the ML site to learn what you should do if your lubricants, fuel, engine models and operating conditions are consistent across the fleet but different additive depletion rates are reported. ML MachineryLubrication. com is the place to turn for white papers on a host of lubrication- related topics. Here's a sampling of the latest white papers that are currently available for download: • Understanding the Lubrication Challenges of Aging Assets • Mine Saves Two Workdays During Time-Critical Shutdown • High Viscosity Filter Elements to Maintain Oil Cleanliness • De-Mystifying Varnish - An Update Check out the full list of white papers by visiting MachineryLubrication. com and clicking on the "White Papers" link. FEATURED WHITE PAPERS BY THE NUMBERS Find more great ar ticle s and content f rom M achin er y Lubric ation magazin e onlin e. From web exclusive s and indus tr y n ews to vide os , white pap er s , buyer 's guide s and more, ever y thing that relate s to machin er y lubric ation is available now on w w w. M achin er yLubric ation .com . 92 % of lubrication professionals would be more likely to purchase a lubricant with a high-quality base oil at a higher initial price than a lubricant with a low-quality base oil at a lower initial price, according to a recent survey at NOW ON MACHINERYLUBRICATION.COM www . | November - December 2019 | 35

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