Machinery Lubrication

Machinery Lubrication Nov-Dec 2019

Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation

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36 | November - December 2019 | www . While assisting many different organiza- tions in implementing lubrication and oil analysis best practices, Noria has identified a few common approaches for companies aiming to achieve a world-class lube program. This article will share some of the insights that have been learned through the years to help you select the best strategy for your plant. Short-Term Initiative e first approach is when top management has been convinced that there is value in implementing a reliability initiative with lubrica- tion and oil analysis as key elements. Previously, lubrication tasks may have been considered dirty or less important work, but now they have become more valued in both operational and financial terms, and for that reason deserve attention. It also is understood that investments in equipment reliability will pay back the organization in a relatively short period of time, so it will be beneficial to allocate a budget and invest in the initiative. e program generally begins with an assessment to determine where the company is in terms of its Lubrication Excellence: A Short- or Long-Term Initiative? Successful implementation of best practices will consider the technological, organizational and human factors related to the project." " Lubric ation Programs PERSPECTIVE Alejandro Meza | Noria Corporation

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