Machinery Lubrication

Machinery Lubrication Nov-Dec 2019

Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation

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40 | November - December 2019 | www . GET TO KNOW Name: Durval DaSilva Age: 59 Job Title: Maintenance Technician Company: TMX Aerospace Location: Auburn, Washington Length of Service: 5 years Lubrication Knowledge Pays off for DaSilva Durval DaSilva began his career in lubrication approximately 20 years ago while using oil filtration for different applications. However, it wasn't until 2016 when the director of maintenance at TMX Aerospace asked him to be the point man for a world-class lube system that he truly became involved in lubrication. At the time, DaSilva thought it would be a great opportunity to improve his plant's assets and establish a better understanding of how vital lubrication is. Little did he know how much work would be required or how much his knowledge level would need to increase. Q: What types of training have you taken to reach your current position? A: e training at my company is broad. It involves electrical, mechanical and other courses pre-established to achieve each level. TMX Aerospace gives you the option to expand your level of education as you need or want. Q: What professional certi - fications have you attained? A: My certifications are diverse due to the different jobs and needs to accomplish whatever is necessary. I am a machinist by trade, but I'm also certified as a Level I Machinery Lubri- cation Technician, Level II Machine Lubricant Analyst and EPA 608 Technician, as well as in condition monitoring and vibration analysis. Q: A re you planning to obtain additional training or achieve higher certifications? A: I am definitely looking for more training. I have a very inquisitive mind, and the more I learn, the more I realize how much I didn't know. At the moment, I am planning to get involved in all aspects of proactive maintenance to apply it toward the success of my plant. is will involve MLT ll, ultrasound, thermography, motor testing and MLA III certifications. Q: What's a normal work day like for you? A: I work on weekends, and my shifts are from 4 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ere is no normal work day, but there's always a chal - lenge, which is the main part of being in maintenance. I'm primarily focused on any asset that needs repair and visual inspections. When time allows, I usually work on oil filtration. Q: What is the amount and range of equipment you help service through lubrication/ oil analysis tasks? A: We have a few different assets with different oils and applica - tions. e number of crankcases, r eservoirs, gearboxes, etc., would be around 45. e oil volume of the assets varies between 3 quarts to 50 gallons. Q: On what lubrication- related projects a re you currently working? A: At the moment, the main goal is setting up the internet of things (IoT) on our assets. is already is in progress and works great. We have what I call telematics. It provides the actual time the machine is running along with the ISO codes from a particle counter, as well as the temperature, f low, moisture, date and time. is is stored for up to one year. It is a great tool for trending and troubleshooting. I can view this information on a cellphone or computer screen no matter where I am. Q: What do you see as some of the more important trends taking place in the lubrica - tion and oil analysis field? A : IoT (digitalization) has changed the way that everything operates these days. I use it and love it. It offers a wide range of options wherever it is used. ML Be Featured in the Next 'Get to Know' Section Would you like to be featured in the next "Get to Know" section or know someone who should be profiled in an upcoming issue of Machinery Lubrication magazine? Nominate yourself or fellow lubri- cation professionals by emailing a photo and contact information to

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