Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation
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44 | November - December 2019 | www . Survey Finds Lube Techs Positive and Well-Informed Paul Hiller | ICML To provide your feedback to ICML or to pursue a certification or recertification, contact the organization via its website at TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION e International Council for Machinery Lubrication (ICML) recently commis- sioned a worldwide survey of its certificants, sponsors, technical contributors and trainers. As anticipated, the results provided a snapshot of the perceptions and priorities held by a large cross-section of ICML's market. Most responses were practical, well-informed and positive. Many also shared favor- able impressions of ICML as an authoritative organization pursuing a valuable mission. At the time of the survey, 91 percent of the respondents held current ICML certifications. Participants were asked what they or their company values most from an established ICML membership. e highest rated responses included certification exam discounts, recognition by ICML, access to exclusive volunteer oppor- tunities and interaction with fellow practitioners. These elements have subsequently been integrated into ICML membership packages. When respondents were asked what prompted them to become certified, two scenarios emerged: managers initiated the training and certif ication programs for their teams, or individuals took the initiative to pursue certifications on their own. Interestingly, only 31 percent reported that their boss scheduled the certification exam or instructed them to do so, yet 58 percent indicated their employers paid for the exams. is discrepancy suggests some employers pay for self-improvement and training even if it is an employee who proposes such activities. Nevertheless, nearly 26 percent of respondents reported paying for certification exams themselves. Self-motivation was revealed in a variety of other responses as well. "I wanted to enhance my knowledge and skills in lubricant analysis and also wanted to increase my value/ recognition," wrote one respondent. Another hinted at a different type of motivational experience: "Had I not passed the course, I would've been fired." To help gauge brand perception, ICML asked participants to describe the organization in a single word. Positive responses included words like smart, expert, reliable and authoritative. Survey participants were also questioned about the social media platforms they use regularly, with 54 percent citing LinkedIn. Accord- ingly, ICML now hosts a LinkedIn discussion group for members and lubrication practitioners. Following are some of the other highlights from the survey: L u b r i c a t i o n P r o g ra m s