very year, the NKBA's Annual Design Competition draws the
kitchen and bath industry's most inspired and talented member
designers, builders, and remodelers. As in previous competitions,
this year's participants continued the tradition of bringing excellent
examples of fine kitchen and bath design to the NKBA Annual Design
Competition. The winners' entries displayed outstanding aesthetics,
well-conceived functionality, and thoughtful consideration to design
within the constraints of the size, space, and budget of their client's
project. The 2020 award winners showcased the latest trends,
elements that never go out of style, and inspired design.
The following pages highlight the 2020 award winners in the bath
— P H O T O S A N D D E S I G N S T A T E M E N T S R E P R I N T E D C O U R T E S T Y O F N K B A —
part one: baths