ICT Today

ICT Today April/May/June 2020

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/1219491

Contents of this Issue


Page 25 of 67

26 I ICT TODAY DEFINITION OF AN EDGE DATA CENTER—404 NOT FOUND By Sean Kelly, RCDD Most people in the ICT industry hear and probably use buzzwords, such as 5G, internet of things, (IoT), industrial internet of things (IIoT), edge, cloud, smart, latency, micro data center (MDC), Industry 4.0, and many others. What do these techno-terms mean and what will they mean as they continue to develop and evolve? What will be their eventual capabilities? Each of these buzzwords carries a bit of the unknown, a bit of hype, and a bit of excitement for what they may provide in a world destined for an interconnected ecosystem.

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